Tree Risk Assessment

Our Certified Arborists review trees for risk across the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Puget Sound.

All our consultants are Registered Consulting Arborists who are Tree Risk Assessment Qualified (TRAQ), the highest certification in the industry.

We help our clients identify, mitigate, and manage risk associated with trees.

Some of our Tree Risk Assessment Clients include the City of Port Angeles, City of Sequim, City of Bainbridge Island, City of Tacoma, City of Olympia, City of Shelton, Jefferson County, The Nature Conservancy, WA State Parks, WA State Department of Ecology, WA State Department of Enterprise Services, and others. We have also worked with over a hundred attorneys and developers, and thousands of homeowners since 2015.

Our company reviews thousands of trees and writes 200+ arborist reports annually. 

Tree Risk Assessment is a international system for identifying, addressing and managing risk associated with trees. Read more about it in this blog. Tree Risk Assessment is taught under the Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ). Only Certified Arborists and Registered Consulting Arborists can use the TRAQ system for assessing tree risk. Many cities and counties require TRAQ qualified individuals to write tree permits due to their extensive training in tree risk.

We’re also a full-service tree care company. Call for a free quote.

(360) 504-3825 

We provide the following advanced tree risk diagnostic investigations.

UAV – Aerial imagery

Using a UAV, or “drone”, allows us unparalleled imagery of upper canopy tree disorders. Additionally, by flying in a pattern above a landscape, NDVI technology can quickly analyze discrepancies in the health of the landscapes vegetation. Technology in this field is fast evolving and we keep up. UAVs are changing the face of ecology and arboriculture.

Micro-resistance drill

A wood decay testing drill measures wood resistance as it drills and complies that data into software. Wood decay testing enable us to conclude on wood decay inside of trees. In forestry and arboriculture, it is understood trees actually develop decay within themselves to better withstand the influence of wind and other external forces. The ability to measure the actual extent of decay allows us to preserve more trees.

Fungal Analysis

Advanced technology allows us the ability to incubate and cultivate (grow) fungi infecting a tree that we are unable to identify. Once this fungi are grown, we can have the organism multi sequenced to derive it’s species. This is not always successful but can be a remarkable tool.

Aerial Inspections & Tree Climbing

Safely climbing trees to access their canopy to take samples and conduct tests is a major benefit in tree risk evaluation. Our Certified Arborsits are all trained in tree climbing and aerial inspections, opening up more avenues for safe tree inspection and overall management.

tree care

Practical & Effective Tree Risk Assessment

A well-maintained and mature tree can result in an important portion of a home’s market value due to its shade, aesthetics, ecosystem services, habitat and general landscape appeal. Whether you’ve just moved into your area, or simply have questions regarding tree health and safety, it’s important to have trees inspected by a qualified and Certified Arborist. Preventative tree care and tree monitoring every 1-5 years is an investment in your property and piece of mind.

Call today, or fill out the form below to start your project