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4/5/2009· Marketing

Tried & True: Heinz turns iconic authenticity into fresh relevance.

By: Rob Wallace

The value of being the genuine original cannot be overstated. Behaviorists like Malcolm Gladwell and Barry Schwartz recognize that in a sea of newness, we consumers find comfort in brands that are consistent, honest and real. We immediately recognize their familiar identities


12/9/2009· Design

Design ROI Re-Envisioned

By: Rob Wallace

A new set of design advocates is needed: individuals & organizations who aren't afraid to weigh the costs of design against marketplace results.


10/5/2012· Branding - Brand Management

The Tropicana Trouble: How It Might Have Been Prevented

By: Rob Wallace

In the past few weeks I have heard marketing directors from three different large consumer packaged goods companies begin a strategic brand identity design discussion with the warning, "My brand needs significant enhancement, but don't to go too crazy.


10/5/2011· Branding - Brand Management

Blood, Sweat and Tiers: Building Optimal Brand Identity Architectures

By: Rob Wallace

Brand extensions are more than twice as likely to succeed as new brands. With mega-brands like Crest extending to more than 80 SKUs in the United States alone and over 300 products worldwide, today's brands are not just expanding-they are hyper-proliferating.


4/20/2012· Branding - Brand Management

Brand Identification: Be Smart, Be Simple

By: Rob Wallace

Today's world is cluttered with messages. In this enviromnent, Rob Wallace urges simplicity. Powerful brands cut through perceptional noise with a memorably iconic and minimalist approach to colors and symbols. Case studies amplify the principles he advocates, and a three-step process outlines specific criteria managers can use to build designs that are visually clean and engaging.


10/28/2011· Branding - Brand Management

Proving Our Value: Measuring Package Design's Return On Investment

By: Rob Wallace

I've spent the better part of 20 years on the package/brand identity design pulpit.With my colleagues in corporate and consultant design, I have tried to spread the gospel of package design's pre-eminent role in communicating the brand's core identity, its emotional essence, and its primary connection to consumers.


9/27/2018· Branding - Brand Management

Branding 4.0 and the Age of Hyper Customization

By: Rob Wallace

Brand identity and package design has entered into its 4th generation. And in this next phase, the brand will never again have the same message to the 100 million consumers. It will offer 100 million "on-brand" messages customized to each individual consumer. To trace this progress, its relevant to understand how branding evolved from its onset.


3/22/2013· Branding - Brand Management

Icons - Your Brands Visual Essence

By: Rob Wallace

In the visual circus that has become the retail environment, the icon can be your most effective tool for communicating your brand s message and for connecting with your consumers.


2/14/2013· Design

The High Cost of Saving Money: Corporate Design Management Faces Downsizing, Outsourcing, Elimination

By: Rob Wallace

Several months ago, a well-respected Fortune 500 consumer products corporation asked its design leader to fire his entire staff and re-hire them under the payroll of one of its pre-press consultants. As a reward for completing this awkward transition, the design manager was, in turn, laid off.


9/4/2018· Design

Redesigning the Design Industry; "The Next-Generation Consultancy"

By: Rob Wallace

Those of us who run design consultancies embrace change. In fact, we are often our client's primary "change agents". We foresee the emerging need in the ever-evolving market, and mold our clients' brands and experiences to meet that new need.

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