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Gordon Giesbrecht, PhD, is a professor emeritus (ret) of Environmental Physiology with emphases on Hypothermia, Drowning, and Cold Weather Survival. Dr. Giesbrecht is also an expert on...
David Harlowe is the Founder and President of The Sport Management Group, Inc. (SMG), a nationally recognized Risk Management Expert with 28 years of dedicated service in the Athletic, Fitness,...
With over 40 years' experience in psychiatry, including decades providing expert witness litigation...
August Meyer, QDE is a court qualified Forensic Handwriting and Document Examiner. He has been trained in the examination of handwriting and documents to include simulated signatures, disguised...
Michael G. Kaplan has nearly 50 years of experience in the areas of Forensic Accounting, Business Valuation, and Litigation Consulting. Mr. Kaplan is a Forensic Certified Public...
Bruce Weiner is an Information and Internet Technology executive with over 30 years of in-depth experience managing product and software development for contracting companies and Fortune 100...
Vera Dolan is an epidemiologist with over 30 years of experience in the life and health insurance industries. She is one of the leading mortality experts in the life insurance industry. She...
Margaret M. Gedde, MD, PhD, brings authoritative clarity to interpretation of Blood Cannabinoids and other drugs in criminal and civil THC DUI / DWI cases, providing data-driven...
Richard F. Beaubien, PE, PTOE is a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer and Managing Director at Beaubien Engineering. He was previously Transportation Department Head at Hubbell, Roth...
MRK Medical Consultants provides Medical-Legal Evaluations to help legal and insurance professionals reach appropriate conclusions about their client's situations. MRK provides a wide array...
Dennis Gemberling, CHA, CFBE, FMP, FCSI, President and Founder of Perry Group International, has over 35 years of experience in the Hospitality Management industry. His experience includes...
Panorama Consulting Group specializes in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems and has multiple testifying experts for failed software litigation. This high-profile firm is called upon...
Expert Witness: Retained in Washington, D.C., and over 25 states as an expert in hospital administration who could render opinion after assessing medical records, hospital policies and...
James D. Wamble, PE, RLS has over 40 years of experience as a Professional Civil Engineer and Registered Land Surveyor. During the course of his career, Mr. Wamble has worked on land planning,...
Philip J. Isaak, PE, P.Eng., DCDC, RCDD, SMIEEE, is an expert witness, consultant & trainer in the design, construction, procurement, implementation, commissioning & operations of...
Robert F. Jalnos is currently a Managing Partner, CEO, and Responsible Master Plumber (RMP, 45 Years) for Dr J Plumbing Contractors, LLC. He has over 45 years of experience as a Licensed Master...