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8/30/2017· Audio Forensics

Forensic Sound Analyses of Cellular Telephone Recordings

By: Dr. Durand R. Begault

Recordings involving cellular telephones or personal digital assistants (“PDAs”) are increasingly the source evidence in audio forensic examinations, compared to recordings originating with other devices such as hand-held digital recorders. On modern PDA cellular telephones recordings can be made either directly to the telephone or transmitted as voice mail messages. The current investigation focuses on differences in the two types of recordings in terms of dynamic range and linearity of levels. Such information can be important for characterizing the distance of sound sources relative to the microphone and are important for understanding transformation of recorded speech and non-speech sounds.


2/15/2016· Audio Forensics

Audio Forensics: What We Hear v. What We Record

By: David Smith

In Audio Forensics, it often comes down to ears versus microphones. In one corner, we have the human ear with all its amazing capabilities. In the other corner, the fantastic piece of technology known as the microphone, with its ability to record sound to a digital file or tape for later playback.


8/26/2015· Audio Forensics

Audio Forensic Analysis: What Happens In Jail, Stays In Jail... Or Does It?

By: David Smith

A confrontation between an inmate and a Corrections Officer leads to accusations of mistreatment on one side and claims of justifiable action on the other. It was one person's word against another until an unexpected recording came to light and, with the help of sophisticated audio forensic analysis and processing, the truth was revealed.


7/28/2015· Audio Forensics

Pocket Dialing and Voicemail

By: David Smith

Pocket dialing occurs when a mobile phone's touch pad is pressed by something in a person's pocket or purse, or, if the person happens to sit down a certain way, a part of their anatomy. If the pressed key or screen surface area is programmed to dial or redial a telephone number, a call occurs. This call often goes undetected by the phone's owner. Some phones are more prone to this phenomenon than others.


2/27/2013· Audio Forensics

Family Law Audio Evidence: Altered Without Editing?

By: David Smith

A party in a divorce case hired me after his attorney told him that his wife's council was planning to introduce audio recordings during an upcoming custody hearing.


1/14/2013· Audio Forensics

Audio Restoration vs. Audio Forensics

By: David Smith

You have an audio recording that may be used as evidence in an upcoming court case. Looking for a way to make it easier to hear, you do an on-line search and come upon a list of "Audio Restoration companies." The ads state that these sites can lower or eliminate noise and restore recordings to their original quality.

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