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4/28/2015· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Life Care Planners Offer Unique And Supportive Expertise

By: Ronald T. Smolarski

THIS ARTICLE DESCRIBES HOW Life Care Planners can help trust officers, relationship managers, estate planners and attorneys determine the future monetary requirements, in actual dollars, of a catastrophically disabled, pediatric or geriatric client. This can be done through the creation of a Life Care Plan for that individual's lifetime. Case histories are used to demonstrate how LCPs address the complex needs of such clients. The article concludes with a discussion of the ways in which the discipline of Life Care Planning complements the expertise of the trust officer.


3/26/2015· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Life-Care Planners Can Offer Attorneys Unique Expertise

By: Ronald T. Smolarski

How funds are handled after the settlement of a case reflects the competency and knowledge of attorneys and recognizes their outstanding legal skills. This article focuses on the management of settlement proceeds and the maintenance aspect of the care of a client with a disability when that client's financial health is turned over to a trust attorney, relationship manager, financial planner, trust officer or estate planner.


2/21/2013· Life Expectancy - Life Care Planning

Advantages of a Life Expectancy Using Life Insurance Underwriting and Life Settlement Methods in the Legal Setting

By: Vera Dolan

The advantages of a life expectancy using life insurance underwriting and life settlement methods include:

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