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3/15/2019 12:00:00 AM
Securities Expert Witness Bob Lawson is the Newest Board Member at MFRC

Bob Lawson,'s long-time member and securities expert witness and consultant, has been asked to join the Credential Board of the Master Registered Financial Consultant (MRFC) Certification Program. Bob has been a long-time member of the International Association of Registered Financial Consultants (IARFC), a non-profit organization of financial consultants, according to the MRFC's Press Release on the subject, and completed the MRFC Certification Program last year. In this new capacity, he will participate in the oversight of the MRFC Certification Program. The MRFC designation is a credential of the IARFC and the MRFC program operates independently of the IARFC. The IARFC has received accreditation of its MRFC program by demonstrating compliance with Accreditation Standards of the National Commission for Certifying Agencies.

View Bob Lawson's Expert Witness Profile and Bob Lawson's Consulting Profile

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