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7/30/2018· Intellectual Property

Independent Judiciary Requires Reliability and Factual Credibility in Economic Analysis

By: Keith Mallinson

In a major ruling that underscores judicial independence, federal judge Richard J. Leon has just unconditionally approved the merger between AT&T and Time Warner, rebuffing the US government's effort to stop the $85.4 billion deal.


12/28/2017· Economics

Assessing Economic Damages in Wrongful Termination Cases

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

This paper presents a method for measuring economic damages in wrongful termination cases. Such cases present the damages expert with a problem since the available studies of earnings recovery after a job loss are based on a limited time period after a job loss and many workers never catch-up to the previous earnings level. A two-step approach is offered. First, the expert uses appropriate available empirical evidence to develop a typical earnings catch-up period. Second, the expert gathers information about case factors affecting the duration of the period to earnings catch-up. Using these factors, the expert modifies the base time period to develop a reasonable range of years for earnings catch-up. The ultimate choice of lost earnings is left for the court to decide, given the range presented by the expert. Cases directly or indirectly supporting this method are presented.


12/14/2017· Economics

Why Law Firms Need Internal Controls

By: Michael Garibaldi, CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

Most lawyers know how big a problem occupational fraud is in corporate America. They may even count as clients companies that have been defrauded and suffered significant losses. Yet a "not at my firm" attitude persists among many partners who take for granted the honesty and integrity of their colleagues and staff.


12/11/2017· Economics

Effective Use of Economists as Expert Witnesses

By: Stanley P. Stephenson

Imagine you are lead counsel on an airline crash case in which more than 200 lives were lost, each involving a wrongful death case. A plaintiff attorney has hired an economist whose report on damages for one person, a Korean leather goods importer, exceeded $200 million. What should you do? Plaintiff’s expert is a Ph.D. from a top university who teaches economics and has many publications.


9/25/2017· Economics

The Income Tax Treatment of Economic Damages Awards

By: Michael D. Pakter

Financial experts are frequently asked aboutthe tax impact of damage awards, both paidand received. The complexities of the InternalRevenue Code (IRC) and judicial interpretations thereofmake determining the taxability of receipts or payments difficult.The same is true when dealing with the taxability of economic damages awarded to plaintiffs in civil actions. Nuances in the IRC and the judicial interpretations may make it difficult for a taxpayer to determine the taxability of his or her proceeds from a litigation award of personal economic damages. Whether or not such is taxable often depends on how the award of economic damages is categorized and/or described in the awarding documents.


4/23/2014· Economics

The Petroleum Matter or Mess?

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

At the present time, the fundamental question is whether the petroleum "event" will turn out to be a blessing or a curse for the United States, especially the nations middle class. The increasing price of petroleum, especially if it remains at elevated levels for a prolonged period of time (say 6 months or longer) could have a pronounced negative effect on the Middle Class. These effects can be broken down into three (3) major categories - direct, indirect and subsequential.


10/31/2013· Economics

Inflation and the Middle Class - 2011 Onwards

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

A person does not have to be too old to truly remember the times (mid 1960's and early 1970's) when gas stations gave away trinkets, toys, glasses, tableware and even "Green Stamps" that could be redeemed for valuable "merchandise" when you purchased a few extra gallons of gasoline. How eager the major gasoline companies were to stimulate sales, create demand and obtain their growing share of middle class consumer dollars.


10/25/2012· Damages

Determining the Value of Household Production as a Component of Economic Damages

By: Dr. Stanley Stephenson

The forensic financial expert may be familiar with assessing lost profits, earnings capacity, or even valuing a business, but what is the expert to do about damages arising from lost ability to engage in non-market work? In a personal injury, wronful death or similar tort cases, physical limitations may restrict market and non-market work the latter forming the basis for an additional source of damages.


5/6/2011· Economics

Why Juries Can Be Trusted

By: Dr. Stan V. Smith

Setting aside the one case in 100,000 that makes headlines, are juries generally capricious and liberal? Are verdicts frequently unreasonable?


3/17/2011· Economics

Pseudo - Economists - The New Junk Scientists

By: Stan V. Smith

The increased use of economic experts in commercial damage cases, as well as in personal injury and wrongful death cases, has resulted in the emergence of a group of experts who offer economic services but are unqualified and ill-trained in economics.

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