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12/8/2020· Supply Chain Management

Is It A Supply Chain Issue Or Poor Project Management?

By: Rosemary Coates

But procurement by thousands of individual hospitals and multiple governmental agencies is uneven and inefficient and we end up with variable pricing, too much inventory in some places, and not enough in others. These may look like supply chain issues on the surface, but they are actually project management issues.


4/16/2019· Supply Chain Management

Product Counterfeits Are Still A Major Problem

By: Rosemary Coates

The way imported products are sold has drastically changed over the past few years. With the rise of eCommerce and direct shipments to U.S. warehouses and customers, more and more counterfeit products are slipping into the U.S. Owners of brands and intellectual property are losing billions of dollars in revenue every year to counterfeiters that are selling bogus products, often at the same price or only slightly less than the true brand.

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The Injured Victim's Handbook

by Guy O. Kornblum

Corneal Disorders: Clinical Diagnosis...

by George O. Waring, MD, FACS, FRCOphth & Howard M. Lebowitz, MD, FACS broker Movie Ad

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