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4/11/2013· Investigation & Surveillance

The Truth About Surveillance Systems : Reality vs. TV

By: Bryan Neumeister

We've all seen the TV crime shows where the forensic technician opens the grainy surveillance, then zooms in on a tiny face, license plate or scrap of paper, hits the enhance button and, magically, the image becomes sharp and clear (accompanied by appropriate background music).


12/30/2004· Forgery & Fraud

Law Technology News: Investigating I. P. Theft

By: Dennis P. Farley and Jack Mattera

While most legal professionals think of external hackers when they hear about information theft, that's often not the case. The more common culprit: someone with legitimate access to the information - i.e., insiders

Featured resources

How Insurance Companies Settle Cases

by Clinton E. Miller, JD, DABFEm FACFE

Psychological Evaluations for the Courts

by Gary B. Melton (Editor), John Petrila, Norman G. Poythress, Slobogin, Christopher Slobogin broker Movie Ad

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