11/1/2012· Medicine
New Therapeutic Options for Lower-Extremity Ulcers
Adequate debridement, control of infection, off-loading of pressure, and appropriate topical management are the most important interventions in treating nonhealing wounds.
11/1/2012· Medicine
New Therapeutic Options for Lower-Extremity Ulcers
Adequate debridement, control of infection, off-loading of pressure, and appropriate topical management are the most important interventions in treating nonhealing wounds.
11/3/2004· Medicine
By: Dr. Sat Sharma and Nicholas Anthonisen
After 60 years of availability of antibiotics, surprisingly little is known about their role in obstructive airway diseases. Areview of antibiotic therapy will necessarily involve a discussion of the role of bacterial infection in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
by Errold F. Moody
by Ray Turner, EdD
by Makarand Hastak, PhD, PE, CCP