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11/5/2013· Animals

Tail Docking in Dogs: Historical Precedence and Modern Views

By: Jill Kessler Miller

Tail docking (amputation of the tail) has been done on dogs for hundreds of years. A variety of justifications have been offered, usually in accordance to the historical tasks of the breed. For instance, in hunting dogs, conventional wisdom said it was to prevent injury in the field from nettles, burrs or sticks; in herding or bull-baiting dogs it was thought to help avoid injury from large livestock.


10/29/2012· Animals

The Texas House and Senate Pass Equine Dentistry Bill

By: Bridget Brandon

On May 30, 2011, the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners became one step away from having the authority to regulate non-veterinarian equine dentists.


4/5/2012· Animals

Protect Yourself When Buying A Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Because the cost of a lawsuit is so steep, make sure your "horse transaction" is memorialized with a lawyer-prepared, well-written contract. The small contract prep charge will be a fraction of litigation expenses and heartbreak. If you cannot locate an equine attorney, an attorney specializing in contracts will work just fine. It always amazes me that written contracts are not demanded of every horse purchase or sale. Even on "small&qout; transactions…demand them in writing or do not do the "deal&qout;!


12/9/2011· Animals

Screening Questions You Should Ask When Buying a Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

There are some very important preliminary questions you should always ask when buying a horse. These screening questions should be asked right up front. If at all possible, you should ask these questions initially on the phone prior to seeing the horse.


9/21/2011· Animals

Owning A Horse Is A Huge Financial Investment: Get A Pre-Purchase Exam!

By: Bridget Brandon

You've decided to buy a horse and you have now located the horse of your dreams. There are a lot of emotions involved.


8/3/2011· Animals

Law Change In California Affects How You Buy And Sell a Horse

By: Bridget Brandon

Open-ended horse deals are quickly coming to an end. Florida has a statute (Section 535.16 of the Florida Statutes) and the California Legislature recently amended a similar one that now requires written documentation for horse sales.


9/24/2008· Animals

Record Keeping

By: Steven D. Nicely

This statement does not favor drug interdiction it favors the drug smuggler. When the court does not take a team's past into account and rule on the probability of finding drugs before the physical search begins they are allowing dogs that should not be on the street to remain on the street

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MMPI, MMPI-2, & MMPI-A in Court: A...

by Kenneth S. Pope, James N. Butcher, Joyce Seelen

Property Management Kit For Dummies

by Robert S. Griswold broker Movie Ad

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