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10/5/2009· Psychology

A Forensic Psychologist's Report In A Sexual Harassment, Hostile Work Environment And Retaliation Case

By: Stephen Reich, PhD

On September 24, 2007, I interviewed Ms. Rebecca White for a psychological evaluation and report. She was referred by her attorney, Peter G. Eikenberry, Esq. for a psychological evaluation in the context of her litigation against Charlie's Supermarkets where she alleged sexual harassment, a hostile work environment and retaliation.The following is based upon the psychological evaluation of Rebecca White.


6/24/2009· Psychology

Rich Weinfeld Enabling or Empowering? Adaptations and Accommodations for Twice-Exceptional Students

By: Rich Weinfeld

This article addresses the different perceptions that parents, students, and teachers have regarding appropriate accommodations for twice-exceptional students.


4/16/2007· Psychology

Psychological Mitigation in Plea Bargains

By: Dr. Martin Williams

Many attorneys have asked me to evaluate their clients who are first-time criminal defendants. Nearly all of these cases have involved crimes pertaining to sex with minors, although the basic idea of psychological mitigation is applicable to a wide variety of crimes

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Litigation Services Handbook : The...

by Roman L. Weil (Editor), et al

The Turbulent World of Middle East...

by James M. Dorsey, PhD broker Movie Ad

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