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12/29/2011· Eyewitness Testimony

Visual Perception in Low-Light Levels: Implications for Shooting Incidents

By: Dr. Paul Michel, OD

While on evening patrol, officers discovered two men lurking near a closed gas station in a high-crime area. In the confrontation that followed, the officers fired on the suspects, one of whom appeared to be holding a shotgun.


11/29/2011· Eyewitness Testimony

In the Eye of the Beholder: Did the Witnesses Really See What They Think They Saw?

By: Dr. Paul Michel, OD

Consider this scenario: Your client is facing a long prison term, if convicted of a crime for which there is conflicting evidence. The prosecution is about to present an eyewitness. Eyewitnesses can be highly persuasive. Their manner, their emotional connection to jurors and their belief in their own testimony can sway a jury.

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