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9/12/2019· Addiction Issues & Substance Abuse

Dealing With Drug or Alcohol Abuse Issues? Be Proactive!

By: Dr. Linnda Durré

If not dealt with, addiction can be a greased pole to self-destruction and bankruptcy. For people in powerful positions, such as CEOs, doctors, executives and company founders, attempting to conduct business without the use of their full faculties is a very dangerous proposition.


6/15/2009· Addiction Issues & Substance Abuse

Dysfunction at the Top: How Addiction Affects the Powerful

By: Martin Brenner

So many people wrongly assume that addiction is a problem that plagues the weak and the poor. Addiction does not leave anyone out. In fact, the rich and the powerful have their fair share of problems with addiction. They just have more resources to conceal and deal with the problems

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Paramedic: Pearls of Wisdom

by Guy H. Haskell, PhD, JD, NREMT-P broker Movie Ad

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