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1/8/2025· Construction

The Art of Construction Contract Correspondence

By: Long International

Correspondence on any construction project, irrespective of its size and value, is a crucial element of the contract administration process. To be effective, correspondence requires measured, complete, and structured management. However, project managers, contract managers, and administrators often fail to implement or even recognize simple basic guidelines


4/26/2024· Construction

Why Expert Witness Testimony Matters in Commercial Construction Accidents That Occur in Southern California

By: Dick Bridy, PhD

The towering cranes and bustling activity on a commercial construction site can be a marvel of modern engineering. However, beneath the surface lurks a constant threat -the potential for accidents. When these accidents occur, the path to securing fair compensation can be fraught with complexities.


3/11/2024· Construction

Apportionment Of Indirect Costs To Significant Change Events

By: Long International

This article discusses the methods, concerns, and considerations for apportioning indirect costs in a dispute setting where the apportionment of indirect costs is necessary and when detailed actual indirect costs or indirect labor hour data assigned specifically to the underlying change that is being analyzed does not exist in the contemporaneous project records.


12/4/2023· Construction

Schedule Optimization During Front-End Planning

By: Long International

This paper summarizes the development and review steps of project plans and schedules during the front-end planning phases, including the critical phase of Front-End Engineering Design (FEED). The project milestones, resources, and completion dates established during FEED set the baseline control plan during project execution.


8/17/2023· Construction

Renovate Or Build- An Extremely Expensive Question

By: Sanford C. Loy

One would think today’s advanced construction processes, new and more efficient and innovative building materials combined with universal dimensional changes in design standards etc. would mean the cost of new construction would increasingly trend toward being less expensive than the cost of renovating.


7/22/2023· Construction

Design Phase Risk Mitigation Tools And Methods

By: Long International

The design phases of chemical processing plant and other industrial projects contain many potential risks. This is especially true when the project is for the first-of-a-kind deployment of new technology or when the performing organization has not previously successfully completed a similar project.


3/30/2023· Construction

Construction Management Agency (CMa): Facts Not Fiction

By: Sanford C. Loy

A Construction Management agency (CMa) will administer these bonds for you to make sure they are written by viable and solvent bond companies who are on the government treasury list for approved bond companies.


12/14/2022· Construction

Design-Bid-Build, Design-Build Or Construction Management? Circa 2022

By: Sanford C. Loy

Any of these methods can produce beneficial results…but the decision as to which one is used must be made carefully with a full understanding of the pluses and minuses of each; each owner’s circumstances, risk tolerance, staffing, experience with construction, the degree to which the schedule and budget are respectively critical as well a


10/14/2022· Construction

The "No Damages For Delay" Clause

By: Long International

Construction projects involve risks. A well-structured construction contract allocates certain risks to the party that is best able to control those risks. Delay is a common risk that construction contracts allocate. A delay may increase costs for owners, contractors, and subcontractors to complete a project.


7/5/2022· Construction

Assessment Of Problems Associated With Poor Project Management Performance

By: Long International

The purpose of this paper is to provide an explanation of the methodology and resources that Long International uses to arrive at its opinions on allocation of the responsibility for various problems, and the impact of those opinions on the parties’ entitlement to damages or extensions of the time of performance allowed under a Contract.

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