Sahel (Sal) Shwayhat, MBA, FACHE, Principal / Owner at ELY Analytics LLC, is a Management Consultant with over 30 years of experience in Healthcare Operations and Data Analytics. A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, Mr. Shwayhat has dual degrees in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering. He is also is fellow in the American College of Healthcare Executives.
Mr. Shwayhat's career spans multiple roles, where he gained significant experience analyzing large data sets to uncover inefficiencies, identify outliers, and compare staff and equipment outputs. He is adept at performing location analytics to identify potential clients, focus resources, and capture a greater share of the market.
Mr. Shwayhat has guest-lectured at Yale University and the University of New Haven – subjects included “External and Internal Benchmarking” and “Uses of Data in Healthcare”. He has presented at several conferences, including the Connecticut Quality Council.
Core Areas of Strength:
- Data Analytics & Key Performance Indicators
- Performance Improvement
- Market Analysis
- Location Analytics & GIS
- Radiology Operations Performance
| - Cost Accounting & Expense Reduction
- Strategic & Business Planning
- Financial Analysis
- Lean Six Sigma
- Hospital Flex Budget
ELY Analytics LLC (ELY) is a Management Consultancy that emphasizes use of Data Analytics and Visualization. Company specializes in converting data into information. ELY Analytics mines and analyzes raw data to help clients identify Financial and Operational Performance Improvement opportunities. ELY Analytics can also perform location analytics to help businesses map existing and potential clients.
ELY Analytics serves data rich, information poor companies within various industries, including healthcare, banking, and insurance, and more specifically, radiology / diagnostic imaging, operational finance, strategic planning, behavioral health, performance improvement, and clinical engineering.
Examples of Analyzed Information
- Fastest Population Growth
- Most Profitable Demographic Segment
- Employee / Staff Star Perfomers
| - Turnaround Time (day and shift)
- MRI Capacity Utilization
- Client Geography and Distance
What does a Flex report tell us? The two right most columns are the crux of the Flex report. One column shows how a department performed against a static budget (developed months earlier with certain assumptions in mind), and the other column shows how a department performed against a newly "flexed" budget, that took product volume and mix into consideration.
Hospitals, like most businesses, have budgets. While they all track their performance closely against that budget at the organizational level, many fail to do so with the same rigor at the cost center level, mainly due to lack of dependable reports. In this article, I will explain what flex budgeting is, how it is calculated, and why using it helps the organization.
All well-run businesses use data to drive their decisions. The higher the stakes, the more accuracy they demand from their data. Hospitals are businesses, even not-for-profit ones, and should conduct their operations like any other business. The area where hospitals lag far behind other businesses is in cost accounting.
Many of us who have worked in hospitals have been there; you are in a meeting with Finance, and their handouts have what is supposed to be Radiology volumes, but they are different from what Radiology’s internal reports show. So, whose numbers are right?