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11/25/2024· Blockchain Information

Understanding Bitcoin In Criminal Defense Cases

By: Beth Mohr, CFE, CAMS, CCCI

There is nothing mysterious about Bitcoin, and a criminal defense lawyer may run across it in various types of cases: a tax evasion prosecution involving Bitcoin, a case in which an individual allegedly used Bitcoin to buy or sell illegal goods or services, a money laundering investigation involving Bitcoin, or a case in which the client allegedly committed a street robbery involving cash and Bitcoin.


12/23/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Tracing Disputes: Digital Forensics Evidential Standards

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

In a recent trial, in which I acted as an expert witness, some notable differences appeared to me to emerge, as between UK and USA judicial standards and practices, in regard to the role, obligations, testimony, presentation and rigor of digital forensics expert findings. 


3/3/2020· Blockchain Information

Blockchain vs. Trust: The Fundamental Expert Dilemma

By: Dr. Stephen Castell

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes in its provisions Article 17, the Right to be Forgotten, which could potentially be a formidable barrier to the ubiquitous introduction of cryptographic blockchain software and technology.

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Residential Network

by Les Baxter

Federal Acquisition Regulation in...

by Christoph Mlinarchik

A Citizen Legislature

by Michael Phillips, et al broker Movie Ad

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