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Surgery: Laparoscopy - Laparoscopic Expert Witnesses: 2
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Obstetrics Gynecology Expert Witness Elbridge Bills
3180 N Point Pkwy., Suite 205
Alpharetta GA
phone: 770-777-4933 (Office) 770-362-6902 (Cell)
Medical Litigation Elite Medical Experts
Available Nationwide
6440 N. Swan Road - Suite 100
Tucson AZ
phone: 877-670-8625
fax: 520-317-7157
Featured resources
Prevention And Treatment Of Gastric...
by Esam Z. Dajani, N.M. Agrawal
Warnings: Fundamentals, Design and...
by Mark R. Lehto & James M. Miller
How Pornography Harms: What Today’S...
by John D. Foubert, PhD