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10/20/2021· Marine - Maritime

The Role Of The Classification Society In Passenger Ship Safety

By: George Zeitler

The public wants to know who is directly responsible for cruise ship safety. Well, the simple answer is that responsibility for safety starts and ends with ship owners and managers. However, owners often seek assistance from classification (class) societies in identifying and evaluating safety risks. Although often referenced in the maritime world, class society roles and responsibilities relating to vessel safety are not widely known.


8/6/2021· Marine - Maritime

Assessing The Effectiveness Of The International Safety Management (ISM) Code In Developing A Safety Culture

By: George Zeitler

The adoption of the International Safety Management Code by the International Maritime Organization as a means to promote a change in maritime industry’s attitude towards safe operating practices has been well documented. The code placed a strong level of responsibility on the ship owner or operator to conduct a self-assessment of their policies and practices in order to develop and implement a safety management

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