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11/23/2010· Crisis Management

Vulnerabilities And Threats: A Relationship Not Always Understood

By: Luiz Hargreaves, AAS, MD, Msc

In recent years, organizations have increasingly been incorporating strategic planning into management. All organizations, including State(s), have missions, values and visions. In other words, it is necessary for everyone in these organizations to understand what it means to work for this corporation or what it means to be a government employee.


11/23/2010· Crisis Management

Hummingbird Syndrome: Why Disasters Occur

By: Luiz Hargreaves, AAS, MD, Msc

There once was a fire in a forest, the animals were in panic… they saw a hummingbird going towards the river, picking up some water in order to try to extinguish the fire. He repeated this gesture frequently and thoroughly.


6/17/2009· Crisis Management

Crisis? What Crisis

By: Peter Power, BA FIRM FCMI FBCI

It might have been 30 years ago but in a new age of immediate and global communications there is a message here for 2009: Any world leader is on a stage these days and the audience compared to 1979 is not just one country


10/15/2004· Crisis Management

Dealers, Healers, Brutes And Saviors: Eight Winning Styles For Solving Giant Business Problems

By: Gerald C. Meyers

Strong, well-organized labor can quickly cripple a miscalculating company.Any company bent on progress with a minimum of labor interference must keep its workforce watered and well-fed, and keep labor relations in apple-pie order


6/21/2001· Crisis Management

Crisis Management Teams: Who Needs Them?

By: Peter G. Power

Experience has shown that when suddenly faced with a catastrophe, crisis managers have a tendency, from the outset, to try and follow familiar or routine systems. The more disturbing the situation the stronger the urge to take refuge in familiar procedures

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Executive’s Guide To Reverse Logistics

by Curtis Greve and Jerry Davis

The Piercing Bible

by Elayne Angel broker Movie Ad

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