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2/10/2009· Bacteria - Fungus - Mold Investigation

The Clostridium difficile Epidemic: A Potential Disaster for Long-Term Care

By: Dr. Mary C. Vrtis

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile), an anaerobic, spore-forming, gram-positive bacteria, has emerged in recent years as a serious health threat in the United States. Although the organism has been known to cause disease for at least 30 years,1 recent mutations have resulted in healthcare–acquired epidemic outbreaks in the United States,2-5 Canada,6,7 Europe8,9 and Japan.10 Genetic fingerprinting has identified a number of strains in clonal outbreaks, and several of these strains are cause for great concern


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Dynamic Deformation Experiments on Aortic Tissue

By: Dr. Richard Collins

THE NUMBER of fatalities due to automobile collisions in the United States has reached an annual level of 55,000, according to the statistics of the National Safety Council. Of these, 16 per cent have been estimated by Greendyke (1966) to be due to traumatic rupture of the aorta, on the basis of a sample of 1253 automobile fatalities in Monroe County, N.Y., over a four year perio


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Blood Flow in the Lung

By: Dr. Richard Collins

The lung constitutes a highly complex and selfregulating system for oxygenating man’s blood and removing its waste materials. It is at the alveolar level that the respiratory and circulatory functions interact and the important exchange processes occur


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

Nonlinear Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Tubes: Application to Aortic Rupture

By: Dr. Richard Collins

Blunt impact to the thorax often results in traumatic rupture of the aorta, leading to immediate exsanguination. Current interest in the mechanisms of this failure is great (Roberts and Beckman, 1970), particularly with regard to vehicular fatilities in which passengers are subjected to high levels of deceleration


9/10/2008· Medical - Medicine

CFD Simulation of Airflow in a 17-Generation Digital Reference Model of the Human Bronchial Tree

By: Dr. Richard Collins

The uptake of particulate matter by inhalation leads to complex transport processes influenced by unsteady convection through a non-dichotomously branching network of conducting conduits (airways)


8/22/2008· Medical - Medicine

XECTCBF Should Be Performed Before TPA Administration In Acute Ischemic Stroke

By: Dr. John S. Meyer

NINDS Stroke Study Group has recommended intravenous (IV) or intra-arterial (IA) thrombolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke utilizing recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rtpa) for treatment of acute ischemic stroke, as approved by the U.S. FDA; provided that treatment is initiated within 3 hours for intravenous and within 4 hours via arterial catheters inserted into thrombosed cerebral vessels, timed from the time of stroke onset


8/20/2008· Medical - Medicine

Non-invasive Ventilation

By: Dr. Sat Sharma, MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP

Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the delivery of ventilatory support without the need for an invasive artificial airway. Mechanical ventilation via intubation is associated with many complications, including upper airway trauma, arrhythmia, hypotension, aspiration of gastric contents, sinusitis, pneumonia, and patients’ loss of ability to eat and communicate verbally


10/30/2006· Medical - Medicine

Calibration And Electrical Safety Status Of Therapeutic Ultrasound Utilized By Chiropractic Physicians

By: Dwain M. Daniel, DC, Ronald L. Rupert, MS, DC

Background: Although over 70% of chiropractic physicians utilize ultrasonic therapy (UST), there has never been an investigation of the calibration or electrical safety of this commonly used therapeutic modality within the chiropractic profession


12/5/2005· Pain Management

Acute and Post Operative Pain Management For Children

By: Dr. Steven Richeimer

Traditionally, pain in children is a topic that has received only minimal attention.Much of our understanding of pain in children has been extrapolated from adult studies.As recently as 20 years ago clinicians felt that it was unnecessary to prevent or treat pain in children because the prevailing opinion was that


12/21/2004· Hazardous Materials

Creosote Sites

By: Richard Parent, PhD, DABT, FATS, RAC, ERT

Most creosote mixtures that are used today are byproducts of the petroleum industry or coal gasification processes. They are mixtures of several hundreds of chemicals mostly polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) but contain a host of other chemicals including complex heterocyclic compounds

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