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Jails - Prisons - Correctional Facilities
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Law Enforcement
Arms - Guns - Weapons
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Automotive - Vehicular
Medical - Medicine
Cosmetology: Hair / Makeup
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Orthotics and Prosthetics
Discovery & Electronic Discovery
Domestic Violence
Postal Services
Exercise & Fitness
Premises Liability
Failure Analysis
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Fall Protection Solutions / Confined Spaces Safety
Refrigeration - Cooling Systems
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Regulations and Codes Standards
Fires & Explosions
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Addiction Issues & Substance Abuse
Healthcare Facilities - Hospitals
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Audio Forensics
Laws & Procedures
Bacteria - Fungus - Mold Investigation
Legal Issues
Business Consulting
Marine - Maritime
Child Welfare
Medical Physics
Child Witch Phenomenon
Medical Records Review
Control Systems
Medicare - Medicade - Health Insurance
Cosmetology: Hair / Makeup
Domestic Violence
Elder - Geriatrics
Orthotics and Prosthetics
Elder Abuse
Premises Liability
Engines (Combustion - Diesel)
Equipment Leasing
Relationships & Dating
Expert Witnessing
Restaurant Industry: Operations & Development
Failure Analysis
Scuba Diving
Food & Beverage
Social Media
Foreign Affairs - Geopolitics
Statistical Analysis
Forgery & Fraud
Foster Care / Foster Home
Engineering Expert Vincent Ettari
Design, Analysis, Expert, Trial, Forensic Witness
Counties of Westchester, Rockland, Queens, Putnam
Dutchess, Orange, Ulster, Nassau, Suffolk, Bronx, Statin Island
Richmond & Brooklyn / Kings County Long Island / NY City / Manhattan / White Plains
Shrub Oak NY
phone: 914-245-6320
fax: 914-245-6335

Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C. specializes in many fields of Civil, Structural, Site, Coastal, Safety & Environmental Engineering, including the Design & Analysis of:
- Structures, Buildings, Houses, Dwellings
- Foundations, Footings, Elevators, Retaining Walls, Dams
- Development Plan & Plats for Sites, Properties, and Residences
- Underground & Subsurface Chamber / Chambers
- Scaffold, Scaffolds, Scaffolding
- Site Plans & Subdivisions: Industrial, Commercial, Residential
- Roads, Roadways, Ramps, Walks, & Man Hole Cover / Covers
- Sidewalks, Walkways, Paths & Pathways
- Lighting: Lamps, Lights, Lamp Poles, Light Levels
- Luminaries & Illumination (Specifications)
- Rock Cuts & Blasting (Topography, Specification)
- Soil Slopes / Samples / Mechanics / Geotechnical Engineers
- Sanitary Facilities, Septic Systems (Board of Health Septics Approval)
- BOHA / DEP Approvals
- Water, Drains, Drainage, Sewer & Sewage Lines & Mains
- Culvert / Culverts, Manholes (Man Holes) & Catchbasins / Catch Basins
- Inspection, Supervision, and Certification of Construction
- House Inspector & Inspections
- Road, Roadway, Walk & Sidewalk Premises Liability (e.g., Steep Slope)
- Walkway, Path, Ramp & Pathway Premise Liability (e.g., Steep Grade)
- Coefficient of Friction / Slip & Fall (Snowy & Icy Conditions)
- Vertical Discontinuity / Discontinuities / Trip & Falls
- Small Ports / Port, Marinas / Marina, Marine Dredging
- Levees, Jetties, Dolphins, Piers, Sea & Flood Walls
- Wharves, Breakwaters, Bulkheads, Weirs, & Revetments
- Groins, Dikes and Waterfront Structures
- Drainage Basin Analysis, Rainfall, Floods & Flood Plain / Plains
- Flooding Controls & Control Devices
- Storm Water Runoff (10, 25, 50 & 100 Year Storms)
- Pressure & Pressures: Wind, Wave / Waves, Ice, Snow
- Rain Fall Run Off & Storm Water Pollution Treatment
- Excavation, Grading, Fills & Filling Operations (Swales, Berms, Silt Fence)
- Erosion Control, Sediment Barriers, Sedimentation / Catch Basins (Hay Bales)
- Pumps and Pump System Line & Main
- Slope, Dam, Levee, Jetty, Dolphin, Pier, Wharf & Breakwater Collapse
- Bulkhead, Weir, Revetment, Groin, Dike, Footing & Foundation Failures
- Failure of Fire Containment Wall, Elevator or Water Front Structure
- Tenement House Façade Collapses
- Code History of Existing Multiple / Multi-Family Dwelling / Building
- Application of Municipal Building, Fire & Property Maintenance Codes
- City, Town & Village Zoning, Planning, Steep Slopes & Grades, Wetland & Wetlands Ordinances
- Testimony at Board Meetings as a Design Forensics Engineer
· Engineering
In many places of NYS, public water supply systems are available. If your site is situated in such a location, then the lots which will result from your contemplated subdivision will be required to draw their water supply from the municipal water system
· Construction
As you enter into a contract to buy a piece of commercial or industrial property, you should always keep in mind that your new town and county have rules which you must abide by. With regard to the exterior areas of your premises, there are rules concerning your septic system, the maintenance of your building, the addition onto your structure, etc
· Construction
In developing a vacant piece of land, steep slopes are often an issue. And, the more prevalent the steep slopes are on a site, the greater the likelihood that retaining walls will be part of the Approved Site Plan. Let us consider three municipalities which regulate the final allowable slopes for land which is filled, cut, or graded
Related areas of expertise
Accident Investigation and Reconstruction
Civil Engineering
Engineering (General)
Erosion Sediment Control
Failure Analysis
Fluid Mechanics / Dynamics
Land Use
Occupation Health and Safety / OSHA Compliance
Real Estate (General)
Septic / Sewer / Sewage Systems
Building Design
Construction (General)
Environment (General)
Excavation, Trenching, Construction Site Work
Fire Protection Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Highway / Traffic Engineering
Land Planning and Zoning
Marine / Maritime / Naval Engineering
Personal Injury Accidents
Sanitary Engineering (Sanitation)
Water / Wastewater Systems
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