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12/7/2009 3:46:41 PM
Dr. Stephen Castell, CITP, Speaks At The 2nd Annual Investing In ICTs In Emerging Markets. December 9-10, 2009 London, UK

With a world population of 6.7 billion people, 1.2 billion land line telephone lines and 4.0 billion mobile cellular subscribers, there is a need to bring new ICT investment into developing countries. This years Commonwealth Organisation (CTO) Conference on Investing in ICTs in Emerging Markets will help to bridge the gap by discussing future policy, regulation and business models to maximize opportunities for joint investments.

CTO's 2nd Annual Investing In ICTs In Emerging Markets will be attended by an International delegation consisting of ministers, regulators, funding agencies, operators and infrastructure providers. Read Brochure.

At this conference, Dr. Stephen Castell will speak on Risk Management issues, including:

  • Contract risk avoidance: the software and systems procurement disaster signals
  • Getting the ICT contract right and avoiding runaway projects
  • Understanding ICT contract monitoring, turnaround and dispute resolution techniques and processes
  • About Dr. Stephen Castell
    Chartered Information Systems Practitioner and A Member of the Expert Witness Institute and Chairman of CASTELL Consulting. He is an internationally acknowledged independent computer expert who has been involved in a wide range of computer litigation over many years. He is a member of the Legal Affairs Committee of the British Computer Society, and a Committee Member, British Computer Society Law Specialist Group.

    Contact Dr. Stephen Castell
    PO Box 334, Witham, Essex CM8 3LP, UK
    Tel: +44 1621 891 776
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