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5/25/2011· Construction

Lead Based Paint: Compliance With EPA's RRP Rule (40 CFR 745); Renovation, Repair, And Painting...And The Real World

By: Wayne Baruch

By now, you have probably heard about the rules that tell us how to properly manage lead-based paint under the U.S. EPA, the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), and most State, County, and Local governments.


4/20/2011· Construction

Capital Replacement Projects: Professional Design and Inspection Produce Quality Results

By: Andrew Amorosi

As your community or building ages, it will require an increasing amount of maintenance and large scale replacement or improvement projects will become necessary.


1/28/2011· Construction

Construction Expert Witness Practice

By: Wayne Baruch

We all find ourselves in legal disputes from time to time.


1/27/2011· Construction

Sustainable Safety: A Lifecycle Strategy for Fall Prevention

By: Michael C. Wright

The traditional methodology for addressing safety for facilities, machines or products is for owners, architects, engineers, consultants, contractors and vendors to complete the design, engineering, construction or fabrication of a project based on past knowledge, experience and training.


4/11/2005· Construction

Things You Can Do To Avoid Conflict In The Design And Construction Of Building Projects

By: William R. Acorn

Introduction: In our first Volume of the Forensic Exchanger, we discussed some of the all too many reasons why HVAC systems fail. If you missed that edition and are interested in that topic e-mail us and we will gladly send it to you. We will follow up with more discussion of that important topic in later editions


9/21/2004· Failure Analysis

Contemporary Skin Barrier Wall Design And Water Leakage

By: Kimball J. Beasley

For hundreds of years, building walls were constructed of stone or brick and were sometimes several feet thick. Such massive walls served well not only to sup port the floors and roof but also to keep out the weather

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