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9/4/2024· Pollution - Air Quality Control

Proof-of-Concept Testing: Software To Quantify Methane Emission Rates in Real-Time

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

The title of our project was, "Proof-of-Concept Testing: Software to Quantify Methane Emission Rates in Real-Time." The end-product was a fully integrated, methane emission-rate measurement system (i.e., the “System”), which calculates, in real- time, methane emission rates from certain oil-and-gas (O&G) industry sources.


3/11/2024· Environment

Concerning The Remediation Of the Gowanus Canal Superfund Site

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

Inhalation exposure arising from implementation of the final Remedy, as designed, is shown to pose a significant danger to human safety. IDLH exceedances are predicted within broad areas along the Canal. Such exposure potential should have been reasonably anticipated based on existing EPA guidance.


12/4/2023· Pollution - Air Quality Control

E-Calc (Emissions Calculation) Technical Description

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

Minnich and Scotto, Inc. ( is the architect of e-Calc© – an emissions-calculation software package developed initially for use with open-path Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in order to generate air pollutant emission rates from a wide range of ground-level sources.


8/14/2023· Pollution - Air Quality Control

Air Contaminant Exposure From Sediment Treatment And Containment Facility

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

The remediation includes the offsite treatment and containment of highly contaminated lake bottom sediments at the Wastebed 13 Facility near the town of Camillus. Minnich and Scotto has been retained to evaluate residential exposure to air contaminants arising from Facility operations.


12/29/2022· Environment

Residential Soil Vapor Intrusion: An Independent Evaluation

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

The contaminated groundwater is attributable to past disposal practices of the nearby former Bay Shore/Brightwaters manufactured gas plant (MGP) currently being remediated by National Grid (formerly KeySpan). Injection of oxygen (O2) into the contaminated groundwater


11/14/2022· Pollution - Air Quality Control

Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions Characterization

By: Timothy Minnich, MS, QEP

This report presents the hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions inventory necessary to support a comprehensive City Environmental Quality Review (CEQR) air quality analysis for this compound.

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