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8/22/2012· Transportation

Negligent Retention and Driver Impunity

By: Ned Einstein

One would think in the Age of Irreversible and Growing Unemployment, employers could phase out their "dead wood" and find some personnel capable of performing their functions competently. Regrettably, bus agencies and companies are generally not among those which do.


10/24/2011· Human Factors

Sleep, Science, and Policy Change

By: Dennis Wylie

Policies can be very difficult to change, and advocates of change who claim a logical or scientific foundation need valid, reliable, and convincing data. An example of the process is the policy of regulating truck drivers' hours of service in order to reduce motor vehicle crashes.

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The Future of Women

by Rona M. Fields, PhD

Feng Shui Dos & Taboos

by Angi Ma Wong, Yap Cheng Hai broker Movie Ad

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