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3/26/2014· Warnings & Labels

Warnings: When Do They Help, When Do They Hurt?

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

In essence, to warn is to place someone on advance notice of a danger or a potential danger. To warn requires that the person or people giving the warning have a superior knowledge of the harm or potential harm compared to the person or people exposed. Further, the person or the people who are warning must also have a superior knowledge of the means of reducing either the likelihood and/or the magnitude of the harm or potential harm as compared with the person or people exposed.


2/13/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Air Bag Deployment Criteria

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

Air bag control modules utilize complex algorithms to make air bag deployment decisions based on crash severity related to the change in vehicle speed or deceleration over time. Due to the proprietary nature of air bag deployment algorithms, the velocity, acceleration, or displacement thresholds for air bag deployment during a collision are not easily obtained; however, a range of frontal barrier impact speeds and corresponding deceleration and displacement threshold values for air bag deployment can be approximated using known vehicle stiffness-to-weight ratios.


6/28/2013· Medical - Medicine

Ankle Injury Mechanisms and Integrative Medicine Therapies

By: Dr. Kenneth Solomon

The purpose of this article is to show the relationship between the mechanism of an ankle injury (inversion, eversion, etc.) and the most likely result of the injury (sprain, fracture, etc.).

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