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11/12/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

Waiting for a Transformation

By: Thomas Barth

As I see it, there needs to be some changes made in the crane industry. So much rides on updated federal regulations, featuring multi-lateral programs that are created and set in place by a network of people with little or no field experience (yet they are considered to be either "experts or professionals").


10/23/2015· Construction

Crane Training Lacking In U.S.: Other Countries Lead the Way to Safety

By: Thomas Barth

Here in the United States our crane training program is falling through the cracks. Other countries, such as Canada, have one of the best training programs in the world. The United States tried to put a program together by copying their program but unfortunately they left out the most valuable parts.


9/18/2015· Accident Prevention & Safety

A Commitment to Accident Prevention

By: Thomas Barth

Wherever your construction site happens to be, health and safety should be the first priority. OSHA regulations, of course, are a useful guideline to help ensure a safe work environment, but they are just that-guidelines.


7/31/2015· Construction

Tower Cranes Warrant Closer Look

By: Thomas Barth

According to statistics, about 125,000 tower cranes are operating worldwide and, on average, are erected in 2 days on various jobsites to build skyscrapers. There are two types of cranes, tower and mobile, which can be purchased or rented depending on the company's scope of work. Mobile cranes are limited because they must be moved from location to location on the jobsite to maneuver materials. Tower cran es can be placed closer toge ther, have a radius of about 140 square meters, and can lift steel, concrete, and a va riable range of building material. Contractors can save 50 percent on the cost of material handling by using self-erecting tower cranes and onsite labor, saving thousands. Due to the flexibility of tower cranes, they are becoming more commercialized and are high in demand.

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