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12/10/2014· Accident Investigation & Reconstruction

Forensic Clues: Fishing and Boating Accidents

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Fishing and boating accidents result in thousands of injuries each year. The U.S. Coast Guard reported 3331 injuries and 709 fatalities due to boating accidents on both recreational and commercial vessels. There are many causes for these accidents, including collisions with objects or other vessels, drowning, electrical and mechanical failures, interaction with unguarded machinery, and others. There are various acts and laws that govern accidents at sea. This issue of Forensic Clues will examine some of the preventable accidents caused by defective machinery and equipment that occur at sea, and a brief overview of the laws and regulations affecting product liability litigation related to maritime accidents.


11/25/2014· Dental - Dentistry

General Anesthesia In The Dental Office

By: Dr. Lee (Mac) Whitesides

As dentistry becomes more competitive, dentists are increasingly looking at unique ways to separate their practices and develop a niche. One such niche lies in the offering of patients' sedation and/or general anesthesia, commonly called "sleep dentistry" during the dental treatment. Since studies show 30% to 50% of Americans avoid the dentists because of fear issues, providing such a service appears to serve a need.


11/24/2014· Plants & Trees

Eminent Domain: The Great Pancake House Summit Meeting

By: Joe Samnik

Oh lo, how many years have passed since one of the country's leading property rights attorneys asked me to meet with him and his assistant to go over my deposition prior to giving it. He was the lead property rights attorney for Florida's oldest law firm. He was located over 400 miles away, and wanted me to meet him at a pancake house at 5:00 AM. My deposition was at 9:00 AM the same day. The matter evolved around the governments taking of private property for public use - eminent domain - which may be found under Article 5 of the Bill of Rights. The issue of eminent domain is, and was, so crucially important to our founding fathers that the same number of jurors required for capital murder is also required for eminent domain trials. When you work in the field of eminent domain you are working in the literal heartbeat of our constitution.


11/24/2014· Plastic / Reconstructive / Cosmetic Surgery

"Facial Revolumizing" Using Dermal Fillers: Tips for Incorporating Hyaluronic Acid Fillers in a Cosmetic Laser Practice

By: Dr. Warren Seiler

With the current boom in noninvasive and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, many practitioners are learning to use dermal fillers. Novice practitioners will commonly focus more on the lines or "simple-appearing" problem areas in which the patient desires improvement. This common mistake can lead to a lessthan- desirable result and unhappy patient if the "problem" isn't properly addressed.


11/20/2014· Insurance

Construction Risk Management: Claim Auditing

By: Frederick Fisher, JD, CCP

The claims audit is the anathema of day-to-day claim operations. Nothing is more disruptive. Yet, if properly defined, nothing is more informative and helpful in improving a claim management program. This article will examine the need for a regular auditing program and provide a recipe for a three-dimensional approach to the process in order to maximize the accuracy of the audit results.


11/11/2014· Transportation

Bus Positioning and Alignment

By: Ned Einstein

Unlike those of many transit systems, schoolbus stops are not always identified with signage - at either the precise position of the stop or signage indicating that a schoolbus stop is approaching (the black glyph on yellow background). Rarely is the stop zone itself marked (for example, by red-lining the curb). In particular, the failure to mark the stop's precise positioning can be problematic - and occasionally dangerous.


11/4/2014· Accident Prevention & Safety

Forensic Clues: Paintball Accidents

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Paintball is a fun activity for all ages, and can be a safe sport if proper precautions are made. Serious eye injury can occur if a paintball impacts the eyeball, making goggles and facemask a requisite part of paintball. Accidents happen in backyard paintball games most frequently, but also at commercial paintball operations. This Clues will examine the typical preventable paintball accidents, as well as examine product failures that can lead to accidents while playing paintball.


11/4/2014· Elevators - Escalator - Automatic Doors

Door Panic Hardware: Getting to Know the Basics

By: Michael Panish

Injuries resulting from panic hardware are more prevalent than you might think. Injuries can be due to lack of maintenance on these devices and/or installation of spurious parts or components.


10/22/2014· Product Liability

Proposed Warning for Selected Foods

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month's issue of the Goldhaber Warnings Report focused on the dangers of added sugar to many products sold in the U.S. But sugar, while a major culprit in the causal chain leading to a variety of serious illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes and other cardio-vascular diseases and certain cancers, is not the only food product that may need a safety warning. Let's look at a few potential examples of products that might benefit from a safety warning.


10/20/2014· Banking

Recruiting New Bank Directors - Is Your House In Order?

By: Catherine Ghiglieri

Many banks need to add new board members because some are reaching a mandatory retirement age or because others who agreed to stay through the financial crisis now want to rotate off the board. Banks need to keep in mind that they will be under close scrutiny by any prospective candidate who will be conducting due diligence on the bank at the same time the bank is conducting due diligence on the candidate. In order to ensure your bank can attract top candidates for board positions, consider the following before beginning the recruiting process:

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