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10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Outside Right-of-Way Tree Risk Along Electrical Transmission Lines

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract - For power transmission systems compliant with safety codes and reliability standards there remains a risk of tree-caused interruptions from the in-fall of trees from outside the right-of-way. This paper reports on the quantification of tree exposure outside National Grid’s transmission corridors and examines the variables impacting the risk of a line contact by trees


10/22/2008· Electrical - Electrocution

Increased Risk of Electric Service Interruption Associated with Tree Branches Overhanging Conductors

By: Siegfried Guggenmoos

Abstract — Severe weather events such as ice and tropical storms routinely cause extensive damage to electrical distribution systems. Much of the damage and service loss can be attributed to trees. Events where service restoration spans days or weeks are generally closely examined through regulator directed hearings. Even when no specific actions are subsequently

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