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9/27/2013· Warnings & Labels

Do Football Helmet Warnings Prevent Injury?

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Anyone who bas seen a football helmet in recent days may be swprised at the bluntness of the warnings advising players that the very product they are wearing to prevent injury may not do that at all. For example, the warning that appears inside helmets manufactured by both Schutt Sports and Rawlings contain Oris conclusion:


7/23/2013· Warnings & Labels

Forensic Clues: Product Hazard Warnings

By: John Ryan, BSME, PE

Warning labels are an indelible part of our society. Warning labels are everywhere - on our food, on our drinks, on our sweeteners, on our cars, on our tools, on our cigarettes. As consumers we are constantly barraged with multitudes of warnings, cautions, don't do this's, don't do that's.


4/29/2013· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Mayor Bloomberg's Food Policies For New York City May Be Beneficial To Your Health

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City this month has proposed a ban on restaurants, theatres and food carts regulated by the City selling soft drinks in excess of 16 ounces.


3/25/2013· Warnings & Labels

When Suing a Drug Company For Failure to Warn: Avoid Generics

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

I just came back from my phannacy where I picked up two prescriptions for my seasonal allergies. One was a name brand product and another was a generic.


2/19/2013· Warnings & Labels

U.S. Judge Halts Implementation of Graphic Cigarette Warnings

By: Dr. Gerald M. Goldhaber

Last month, Judge Richard J. Leon of the United States District Court in Washington, D.C. permanently blocked the FDA reqillrement that was to go into effect later this year that would have forced the tobacco industry to put extremely graphic warnings on the top half of the front and back of a pack of cigarettes.


12/12/2012· Warnings & Labels

"Warning: Don't Supersize Me," Says NYC

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

New York City has done it again! Mayor Bloomberg (or as some call him, NYC's Nanny-In-Chief) and his City Health Department has declared war on oversized restaurant portions.


9/5/2012· Warnings & Labels

Warning: Automobile Connectivity May Lead To Early Grave

By: Gerald M. Goldhaber, PhD

My former business partner, Marshall McLuhan was fond of telling me that North Americans go out of their homes to be quiet (compared with Europeans who go out to be social).


7/13/2012· Warnings & Labels

Product Warnings: The Wackiest Warnings of 2011

By: Gerald Goldhaber

The awards season is already in full gear this year. The Golden Globes have already been given out and the Oscars will be determined by the end of this month.


5/29/2012· Warnings & Labels

Semantics in Court: Providing Opinions on likely Meanings of Messages

By: Dr. Michael T. Motley

My first expert witness case involved a man who was injured using a chinup bar designed to fit within a door frame. The bar has rubber suction cups at each end, and its length is adjusted by twisting its two sections together or apart for a telescoping effect.


2/18/2010· Warnings & Labels

Should Cellphones Have Warning Labels?

By: Dr. Gerald Goldhaber

The Goldhaber Warnings Report: On January 2, of this year, The New York Times published an article about the possibility of heavy cellphone use being linked to brain cancer. Since approximately 280 million people use cellphones

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