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11/20/2017· Finance

Understanding Financial Misstatement: The Least Common Type Of Fraud Can Also Be The Costliest

By: Michael J. Garibaldi CPA, ABV, CFF, CGMA

When a dishonest CFO or controller cooks the books, it can be devastating for the victim organization. In addition to direct financial losses, financial statement frauds erode trust between management and other stakeholders, including lenders, investors and employees who own company stock. Unfortunately, it's common for smaller companies to associate financial misstatement with large public companies that focus heavily on earnings per share.


6/27/2017· Finance

A Glowing connections Experiment

By: Sam Landis

A recent Donan forensic fire investigation found that a poor connection in a floor-mounted duplex receptacle was the cause of fire. The receptacle was located in the area of origin and all other identifiable causes were eliminated during the investigation. While conducting the research for this particular case, Donan investigators evaluated many scholarly sources in order to clearly educate the client on how a loose connection in a receptacle could lead to a structure fire which, in this case, nearly consumed the bedroom. The best explanation was found in the chemistry associated with the formation of an oxide that contributes to the condition.


10/1/2015· Finance

Effective Commercial Collection Techniques

By: Darryl Horowitt

It is an unfortunate fact of business that from time to time one of your customers will not pay for goods or services you provide. It is a frustrating and sometimes helpless feeling that you have knowing that even though you provided a valuable product or service, for reasons beyond your control you are simply not paid. How do you collect your money? What follows are some techniques that will help you effectively collect your receivables.


9/23/2015· Finance

FINRA Dispute Resolution Essentials

By: Bob Lawson

I receive phone calls throughout the year from attorneys who have taken on their first FINRA case and they frequently are unaware how the FINRA Dispute Resolution process differs from other venues. I thought it would be helpful to provide a quick overview for new participants and a refresher for those more experienced securities attorneys on how the FINRA Arbitration and Mediation process works.


8/26/2015· Finance

FINRA Code of Arbitration and Discovery Guidelines

By: Bob Lawson

In FINRA-related cases many attorneys see discovery requests objected to by opposing counsel. Typically, opposing counsel objects to discovery requests citing that items requested are either "overly broad, vague, or ambiguous", or "impermissible per FINRA's Code of Arbitration Procedure". However, despite opposing counsel's reasoning, many objections to discovery requests are irrelevant and do not hold up in regard to FINRA's Code of Arbitration Procedure. Attorneys should not be intimidated or discouraged by these objections, but rather should understand that FINRA's guidelines concerning arbitration allow for most applicable and reasonably obtainable discovery information to be delivered.


3/12/2014· Finance

An Easy Assist for an Overlooked but Tough Group

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

There are few groups more reliable than the United States military. One could change all of their mottoes to "Again and again - no questions asked." Those who have served in the military have done so at a solid financial cost. Despite this, the years of the 1950s, 1960s and even into the 1970s were periods with high savings rates, rates that today appear almost unachievable. How did they save so much, seek to enjoy life so fully and raise another generation, the Baby Boomers?


2/10/2014· Finance

General Motors Joins Yogi Berra

By: Dr. Kenneth E. Lehrer

Even with creative financing, accounting techniques and decreased profit margins, the American automobile industry appears unable to sustain itself and has suffered significant losses, especially in recent years. Given these realities, it would seem prudent to rely upon baseball and the one special feature they have enjoyed via compliments of a United States Supreme Court Decision in 1922, namely exemption under the Antitrust Laws, basically Sherman and Clayton Acts.


4/21/2009· Banking

Banking Regulation: Now is Time to do Away with the Too Big To Fail Doctrine

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

For almost thirty years, bank regulators have operated under the Too Big To Fail (TBTF) Doctrine, whereby insolvent large banks are treated differently than insolvent community banks by keeping the large banks open and closing the community banks. Now is the time to do away with TBTF once and for all


9/30/2008· Banking

What Banking Regulators Want: A Guide to Bracing For Your Next Examination

By: Catherine A. Ghiglieri

Bankers are hearing horror stories about examiners’ demands and are confused as to how to plan for their next examination. What should they focus on? And will those things be the wrong things when the examiners come into their bank


4/3/2008· Finance

Trustee's Report: Chapter 11 Reorganization, Likelihood Of Success

By: William F. Herzog

The Debtors consist of 13 nursing facilities and a management company. The Debtors operations commenced in May 2004. Due to the age of the facilities, substantial maintenance expenditures have been, and likely will be, required on a going forward basis

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